Summer 2021 Bucket List

Now that Summer has officially begun, it’s time to soak up Maine like never before! After last year’s extremely difficult time, now more than ever it’s important for us to get out and enjoy life to the max! What better way to achieve that than creating your own Summer 20201 Bucket List?

Not sure where to even begin? We have compiled just a few amazing ideas for you to get you started. Whether you’ve done them all or none at all, these are extra fun reasons to grab your family, friends, or all of the above and get out there!


This one is exciting for the whole family, your besties, or even just for yourself! And whether you’ve never taken the drive, or it’s been years since you’ve been up there, this is the perfect activity for this summer! We found a beginner’s guide on, just to review the basics and give some helpful tips. Be sure to stop by the gift shop before heading back down, and of course take lots of photos of your completed bucket list item!


Nothing gets people together more than the chance to be outside with friends, enjoying cold beverages and the hot sun, with a little side of competition! Cornhole is fun for all ages, and is easy to play (can we say make your own house rules?!). Here’s everything you need to know thanks to Cornhole Worldwide.

Get out your Cornhole set, invite your friends over, and see who comes out the Champion! If you don’t own your own Cornhole set, chances are you know someone who does, and they’re easy to find at local sporting goods stores, or on trusty Amazon.

This is a fun and laid back way get everyone together again, while still practicing some social-distancing.


Not everything this summer has to be about what’s going on outside. It’s also important to maintain what’s going on inside yourself! There are several apps available to help you read and/or listen to some pretty amazing books to help improve your state of mind and mental health. Audible is of course very popular, and there is also the Headway app. This app helps you choose the path you want to take in your mental improvement, and offers tons of books to choose from.

We recommend reading The 5am Club by Robin Sharma, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin, and The 5 Love Languages by Gary D. Chapman , just to name a few. These offer a great way to form new, constructive habits, make sure your mind gets a good workout, and that you learn all the ways to love others, and yourself.


If you haven’t taken a ride with Casco Bay Lines, this is the summer to do it! They offer several options for specialty cruises, including Sunrise Run and the Diamond Pass Run (other cruises will be available again as time goes on). You and your favorite people will enjoy the warm salty air while you’re shuttled from island to island on the open water to see the beautiful islands just off of Portland’s waterfront. You’ll pass by Fort Gorges, see lots of amazing ocean birds, and maybe even catch a glimpse of the seals that swim through the bay!


This is a timeless Maine tradition, and one everyone can get into! This summer, check out Doles Orchard in Limington. Located within an hour of downtown Portland, this beautiful family farm grows some of the tastiest, juiciest strawberries we’ve ever tasted! They also offer scones, biscuits, and whoopie pies to enjoy with your berries! And they host yoga classes in the orchard! Talk about a one-of-a-kind experience! When strawberry season is over, they’ll have other fruits to pick later this summer and into the fall.

We hope this helps you kick off your summer and gives you some great ideas to enjoy it to the fullest. Have some bucket list ideas already planned for your summer? Be sure to share them with us on our Facebook and Instagram pages to help give others fun ideas to try as well. We can’t wait to see what exciting things you’ll be experiencing this summer!

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Written by Melissa Mathews, Marketing Manager for The Fletcher Group

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